
Chimmy Chimmy Yah!

Tonight's star from this week's basket, GREEN ONIONS.  I was shocked at the amount of green onions that we got this week!  4 giant bulb's worth.  What the heck am I going to do with all of these??  Well, I had gotten a skirt steak to grill this weekend with asparagus.  You always hear about skirt steak and chimichurri, so why not make the chimichurri with the green onions??

Typically, a chimuchurri is usually made with parsley as the star ingredient.  I wasn't sure how parsley and green onion would compete with each other, so I used spinach instead of parsley.  (Plus, I already had the spinach on hand, so even better!) 

Grilled Skirt Steak with Green Onion Chimichurri Sauce:
- 1-1/2 pound (or there-abouts) skirt steak
- 1 bulb of green onions (5-6) - use less if you want a less onion-y flavor, this is fairly strong
- 1-1/2 cups of fresh spinach
- 1/4 cup red wine vinegar
- 1/2 cup olive oil
- salt, for seasoning
- cayenne pepper, for seasoning, to your taste

Roughly chop the onions and spinach and put into a blender or food processor.  Add salt, red wine vinegar, and cayenne pepper.  Pulse ingredients as you stream in the olive oil until desired consistency.  Pour all bout about 1/2 cup over your skirt steak and marinate anywhere from 30 min- a few hours.  Reserve the extra half cup for dipping, if you'd like.  I bet this would be good as a warm potato salad dressing, too! 

Get your grill (or grill pan) nice and HOT HOT HOT!  Put the steak on the grill in one big piece.  The steak is fairly thin, so it should only take about 5-6 minutes per side for a nice medium-rare temperature.

Let it rest for about 5 minutes, then thinly slice the meat and enjoy!  We served it with grill asparagus and OOPS we were out of potatoes, but luckily had some leftover crock pot potatoes so we just used them :)

This is Tom's, he plated his better than mine :)

Yes, I still have 3 bulbs of green onions left.....Hmmmphhh...I am thinking of a shrimp and green onion fritatta later in the week, maybe throw some in spanikopita for my sister-in-law's dinner party this coming weekend...Stay tuned!!!

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